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Have you been referred to Dr. Connal Robertson-More?

Your referral has been triaged and your family physician has received a referral confirmation.

We will contact you when an appointment is available.

If your condition has changed since the time of your original referral, please get in touch with your family physician's office and they can contact us directly to re-assess your priority status.  

2310 Guthrie Rd, Unit D, Comox BC (Visitor Parking to the Complex is accessed off of McDonald)

Facsimile 236-269-2136

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Medical Form

Clinic Office Hours

Visit during Regular Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 4:00pm
(Excluding Statutory Holidays)

2310 Guthrie Rd, Unit D, Comox BC (Visitor Parking to the Complex is accessed off of McDonald)

Telephone 250-792-5080

Facsimile 236-269-2136

©2024 by Dr. Connal Robertson-More - General Surgery.

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